Friday, March 15, 2013

2 month update

We’ll see how far I get on this before Ava wakes up and demands attention..

Ben and I have slowly been adjusting to parenthood.  It really helped that right on her “6 week birthday”, Ava started sleeping through the night! (At least the technical definition of STTN: 5 consecutive hours)  Let’s be clear, it is not always at night, but we have been working on it.  The last few weeks her typical has been to go to sleep around 2am, wake around 8am for a feeding, then sleep again until noon-ish.  In all honesty- it’s been exactly the schedule I would prefer to be on.. Maybe she gets her circadian rhythm from me because she certainly gets everything else from Ben.  Comparing his baby pictures is quite entertaining.  We could play “Is it Ben or Is it Ava?”.

Overall Ava wakes up very pleasant each day.  She loves to smile and ‘talk’ to us for the first several hours of the day.  She takes short naps each hour, but then between around 4-7ish she takes one long nap to power up for her fussy evening.  She has an uncanny knack for being able to wake up right as Ben and I sit down for dinner (She must want to help me lose the pregnancy weight..).  She is extremely opinionated! In order to keep her from screaming we must do the following- no exceptions:
1. Hold her straight up facing outward, so she can see the world. 2. Walk at all times. 3. Bounce at all times. 4. Be willing to dive to the ground to keep her paci in hand always. 5. And optionally (at Ava’s discretion) make a shhhhh-ing noise until her majesty falls asleep.
Around 9 we have bath time, then do our nightly routine to put her to sleep.  Typically though, she wakes up around 11:30 and is ready for us to repeat steps 1-5 all over again until approximately 1 or 2am.  While the evenings are difficult, her sweet smiles and cuddles during the day make it easy to keep going (and the help of our moms..)

We also had Ava’s two month appointment this week (a bit late at 2m10d).  I was really unhappy with her previous pediatrician, so we found a new one whom I feel MUCH more comfortable with.  Her “stats” were: 10lbs 7oz, 22.5inches long, so she is very petite :-) .  Ava will have her shots spread out a little more than most, so she just had the DTaP at this appointment.  So far, she has done great with it- maybe just a little more sleepy than usual.

Ava’s milestones to 10 weeks:

-          Makes definite “cooing” sounds.  Makes short A and E and long O.  Has also made G, H, M, R and a few other consonant sounds.
-          Maintains eye contact for long amounts of time (she loves looking at us especially on the changing table), and she can track objects and looks for sounds.
-          She still *hates* tummy time, but she is able to lift her head above her bottom.  She has rolled a few times from tummy to back, but usually with help.
-          She likes to suck on her hands and clasp them in front of her, but she has yet to “find” her hands.  She has noticed her feet while taking a bath, and she gets really excited about them.
-          She loves taking baths.  She kicks, wiggles, and splashes and all but giggles at how she can move. It’s so fun to watch her excitement.

Two month picture