Monday, April 30, 2012

Telling Ben

A few weeks earlier, I had seen a cute baby shirt that said “If you think I’m handsome, you should see my daddy”.  I thought it would be cute to incorporate when sharing the news with Ben.  I also made a card with the expected due date.  I put the test and card in the baby shirt then wrapped them.  I also wrapped up some gourmet olives to throw him off.  That evening, I had Ben’s present all ready for him. 

When he got home, I immediately gave it to him.  First he opened the olives and was excited about the olives and thoroughly confused.  Once he opened the baby shirt.. he was still confused.. Then he looked at his cool card… and was still confused..  The test had fallen to the bottom of the wrapping, so I dug it out and handed it to him.  He was as shocked and thrilled as I was! 

Big News!!!

4 weeks
Wow, on Monday (April 30), I woke up like normal.  Crawled out of bed after hitting snooze a dozen times, then dragged myself to the restroom to begin what I thought would be an average day.  It was far from it!

A bit of back story- Ben and I began talking about having children approximately 6 months ago, but we had never settled on exactly when we wanted to try.  In March we decided May would be a good time to conceive based on my school schedule, so we started using other forms of “protection” in lieu of bc.  Needless to say, we got lazy with that after about a month, but we weren’t necessarily trying to conceive either. SO- being a paranoid girl, I had bought a box of pg tests.  They were the type with the lines.  Now, I am also a planner, so I decided that when we did get pregnant, I wanted a digital stick to show Ben rather than having to explain that 2 lines was positive.  So that’s where this begins.

It was what should have been day 1 of AF, and I wanted to use up that last pesky pg test to opt for a new digital box.  Very casually, with no expectation of a positive result, I took the test and laid it on the counter.  I wasn’t even watching it, but the next time I glanced at it, I audibly gasped.  There were 2 lines!  In total shock I began pacing around debating whether or not to wake Ben up and tell him immediately or wait until after work and use the “plan” I had tentatively conspired a few weeks earlier.

I decided I had to get out of the house ASAP to avoid spilling the beans, so I left to go to school a bit early that day.  On my way, I stopped at Walmart to buy the digital test and a superman gift bag.  All day at school I was exceptionally smiley, but didn’t tell anyone why.